Web Conference (hosted by Australia)

Meeting no

Jurisdictional updates

Working group updates

Regulated Product Submissions
Good Regulatory Review Practice
Adverse Event Terminology
Personalized Medical Devices
Medical Device Cybersecurity Guide
Artificial Intelligence Medical Devices
Software as a Medical Device

Joint IMDRF/DITTA Workshop - Standards for Health Software

Safety and Performance - Developing “THE” Comprehensive Standard : Needs and Challenges - Industry Perspective
Pat Baird (Philips, GMTA)
Security - Enlisting All Security Forces: Needs and Challenges - Industry Perspective
Varun Verma (Philips, DITTA Cybersecurity WG vice-chair)
Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning - Can “one size” fit all?: Needs and Challenges - Industry Perspective
Martin Meyer (Siemens Healthineers, DITTA)
Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning - Can “one size” fit all?: Perspective from ISO/TC 210
Peter Linders, Chair ISO/TC 210
Response from the SDOs and IMDRF: Perspective from IMDRF Standards Liaison Program
Scott Colburn (US FDA)
Artificial Intelligence - Machine Learning: Can one size fit all? A Regulator's perspective
Johan Ordish (UK MHRA)
Security - Enlisting All Security Forces - A regulator's perspective
Johan Ordish (UK MHRA) - Security

Joint IMDRF/GMTA Workshop – Medical Devices and Artificial Intelligence

Current and Emerging AI and Medical Device Technologies and Products: AI technologies and their application in health care settings
Kyu-Hwan Jung, Ph.D, VUNO
Current Regulatory Approaches to AI and Medical Devices: IMDRF’s AI and medical devices work
Mr Lin Anle, Singapore
Opportunities for AI and Medical Device Regulation: Opportunities for global convergence and prioritization of AI
Subok Park, LUNIT Inc.
Considerations for Mitigating Bias in AI and Medical Devices: Unintentional sources of bias that can affect the performance of AI and medical devices
Yarmela Pavlovic, Medtronic
Considerations for Mitigating Bias in AI and Medical Devices: Unintentional sources of bias that can affect the performance of AI and medical devices
Dongmin Kim, JLK Inc
AI technologies and their application in health care settings
Prof Farah Magrabi
Opportunities for global convergence and prioritization of AI
Scott Thiel Hologic